by Aaron Zambrana | Jun 12, 2019 | Sun Screens
Sacramento’s summer heat can be brutal. When the sun hits your home’s windows, it can make your home hot and uncomfortable, and it can drive up your home’s bill. In fact, 76 percent of the sunlight that hits a traditional single-pain window will be converted into heat...
by Aaron Zambrana | Oct 31, 2018 | Screen Options, Solar Screens
If you’re looking to lower your home’s energy costs and cut the glare and heat of the sun, you should consider adding sun screens or solar screens, to your home. To help you learn more about our sun screens and solar screens, here are some answers to the most popular...
by Aaron Zambrana | Jun 7, 2017 | Solar Screens
Temperatures are starting to heat up here in Sacramento, and it’s only going to get hotter. After all, summer is just around the corner! You can beat the heat in your home this summer and lower your energy bills installing solar screens now. How do solar screens work?...
by Aaron Zambrana | Jul 24, 2016 | Screen Options
Happy Parents Day! Did you know that Sunday July 24th is “Happy Parents’ Day?” Did you even know there was such a holiday? Me neither! I mean, I knew about Mother’s and Father’s Day… but Parent’s Day? It seems a little...
by Aaron Zambrana | Jan 13, 2016 | Screen Options
If you have considered reducing the sun’s impact on your home with solar screens, it’s not too early to start planning to install sun screens this spring! In fact, if you want to have your windows ready to combat the sun’s glare, we suggest purchasing sun screens...