Graphic Logo of Man holding a window screen that reads A to Z Window Screens underneath him

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3440 Rockwell Lane,
Lincoln, CA 95648


Office Hours

Monday – Friday:
8 AM – 5 PM

Sacramento’s summer heat can be brutal. When the sun hits your home’s windows, it can make your home hot and uncomfortable, and it can drive up your home’s bill. In fact, 76 percent of the sunlight that hits a traditional single-pain window will be converted into heat inside your home. So in a naturally hot climate, what can you do to protect your home from the sun’s rays and save yourself on home-cooling bills? Install solar screens.

Solar screens are window screens made from a thicker mesh. The mesh helps shade your windows and disperse the sunlight before it hits your home’s windows. These screens can keep your home as much as 15 degrees cooler in the summer, and they can help to dramatically lower your summertime air conditioning bills. On top of that, solar screens can block UV rays from entering through your home’s windows. Because these rays can damage your furniture, flooring, and décor, solar screens can help protect your home from the damage of UV rays.

Give your home a new look while saving money on your summertime cooling bills!man measuring window

Many homeowners shy away from solar screens over a fear of the impact solar screens will have on the exterior look of their homes. But solar screens can give your home an attractive, upscale look while protecting your home from the sun’s rays and helping you save on your home’s summertime cooling bills. When you install solar screens, consider upgrading your home’s curb appeal with beautiful decorative screen grids!

Custom made solar screens

Solar screens can give your home’s windows a flat look, but putting decorative grids on top of your solar screens can make your home’s windows pop! When A to Z Windows Screens custom makes your home’s solar screens, we can install grids within the screens to match the existing grids on your home’s windows. That means that solar screens won’t block the gridded pattern on your windows, so you won’t lose the architectural detailing on your existing windows. If your home’s windows aren’t currently gridded, adding decorative grids when you add solar screens can add architectural detailing to your home to add interest and a high-end finish to upgrade your home’s curb appeal.

Solar screens might seem like a solely practical purchase, one to be made only for the purpose of keeping your home cooler to lower your summertime bills. But solar screens can help to upgrade the look of your home while saving on your bills. In addition to adding grids, you can choose from different colored solar screens to create a dramatic new look for your home. And because of solar screens’ dramatic appearance, decorative grids can really “pop,” which can give your home’s look a stunning appearance from the curb.

Call A to Z Window Screens to learn more about solar screens and grids today!

The hottest days of summer are nearly upon us, and you could save yourself money this summer while upgrading the look of your home with solar screens and decorative screen grids from A to Z Window Screens. Call A to Z to schedule your consultation today!