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3440 Rockwell Lane,
Lincoln, CA 95648


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Monday – Friday:
8 AM – 5 PM

In the winter, homeowners tend to look for ways to make their homes more comfortable and lower their heating bills. Windows and doors are often the target of home improvements geared at increasing home efficiency. At A to Z Window Screens, we have a less conventional way to keep your home warmer this winter. If you have already increased your insulation and plugged air gaps in your home, you should consider adding a security screen door!

How security screen doors can keep your home warmer

front door Doors are portals to you home. They allow people to enter your home, but they also allow cold air to enter your home too. Most doors aren’t designed to keep the warmth in, and homeowners can feel cold air seeping into their home through the doors. Security screen doors can help reduce this effect.

The screen mesh on a security screen door is thick enough to insulate your doorway, and they also help to keep the warm air in your home. Security screen doors can also block cold air and  breezes from finding their way through the gaps around your doorway, making your home more comfortable. In fact, research has shown that installing high-quality screen doors and window screens with thicker mesh materials can lower your home-heating bills!

About security screen doors

If you’re not familiar with security screen doors, you should know their primary purpose is to make homes more secure. Security screen doors are fitted into door jambs with heavy metal frames bolted firmly in place so they can’t be kicked in or pried open. The screen mesh is also made from special metal that can’t be slashed with a knife or razor, or pushed in out of the frame.

With a security screen door, you can open your doors to let a breeze in the summer without compromising the safety of your home. They are also a slightly darker and thicker mesh, but they don’t block your view or the fresh air. Security screen doors are beautiful, and they come in many styles to enhance your home. They generally look like high-end decorative screen doors, or there are even security screen doors that look like simple, traditional screen doors.

This winter, let A to Z Window Screens help keep your home warmer and more comfortable. It even helps to lower your wintertime home-heating bills. Call us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about the benefits of a security screen door, and we can help find a security screen door that would complement the look of your home!