In the world that we live in, it is often hard to take a stand on any issue without offending somebody. I’ve often had business coaches talk me out of writing about one topic or another for fear of upsetting any of our customers.
Well, I’m tired of all the mamby pamby Political correctness! I’ve finally found a topic that I’d like to “handle”…… it’s a “sinister” subject, indeed…
Did you know that Thursday August 13th is “International Left-Hander’s Day?” Me neither! And that’s exactly what I’m “up in arms” about!
I’m left handed. So is my wife, Marie. And if that isn’t crazy enough, THREE out of our four kids are also southpaws! For once in my life, my “wrong-sided-ness” is in the right!
But now, after all these years of being in the minority, I come to find out that I’ve missed out on 41 years’ worth of celebrating Left-handers day! But not anymore!
Today, I draw a left-leaning-line in the sand…. I am choosing to display my left handed skills with pride and dexterity! Today, I shove my “left-handedness” in the face of all you righties out there!
And to celebrate my politically incorrect deviant ways, we are having a 10% off sale on our entire line of “Non-Handed” swinging screen doors.
“Non-Handed” means that our installers can decide which side to install your swinging screen door’s handle on while they are at your home installing the door. We don’t have to specify one way or the other when the door is ordered, so if you have a last minute urge to have the handle installed on the other side of the door, you are free to express yourself!
This will give all of you poor right handed folks the opportunity to let your left-handed tendencies out of the closet as it were….
So, don’t let this 10% off sale pass you buy! This sale absolutely expires Monday August 31st!
To schedule a free, in home price quote, please call our office (dialing with your left hand of course) at 916-408-2496.
To learn more about our swinging screen door line, click here.
Door must be purchased by 8-31-14. Can’t be combined with any other offer.