Graphic Logo of Man holding a window screen that reads A to Z Window Screens underneath him

Our Address

3440 Rockwell Lane,
Lincoln, CA 95648


Office Hours

Monday – Friday:
8 AM – 5 PM

Spring has nearly arrived, and with it comes warmer temperatures and pleasant breezes. Before you know it, you will be opening your windows to air out your home and enjoy the weather. But before you do, you will need to make sure your window screens are ready for spring. Spring screen prep is easy, and can be done in three simple steps.

Clean your screens

Prep your window screens for spring - Sacramento CA - At o Z Window ScreensWinter rains and heavy winds can fill your window screens with gunk and grime. You will want to make sure your screens are free and clear to let in spring breezes and sunshine. Cleaning your window screens is a straightforward task. First, remove the screens from your windows. If they are only moderately dirty, you can simply spray your screens down with a hose. If the grime is a little more stubborn, gently wash the screens with soapy water and rinse with the hose. Just make sure you don’t push too hard; you could risk warping or stretching the screen. Let the screens dry in the sun; while they dry, you might want to wipe down your window frames and wash your windows. Finally, replace your screens!

Repair any damage

Cleaning your screens will allow you to perform an inventory of your screens. While cleaning, be on the lookout for any damage that might have occurred. Should you find any rips or holes, you will want to have your screens replaced before you’re ready to throw open your windows — You don’t want to give bugs a chance to enter your home or be forced to leave windows closed on spring’s first fine day! You might be tempted to go for DIY screen repair, but screen patches can be unsightly and replacing the screen within a frame can warp the frame. Consider professional screen replacement, which will fit a screen perfectly to your window and match any new screens to your existing window screens.

Consider upgrades

If you would like to get more from your window screens, spring is the best time for a spring upgrade! If you have pets or small children who put undue pressure on your screens, consider installing sturdier pet screens, which resist tears and stretching due to excess pressure. Meanwhile solar screens or privacy screens can lower your summertime home cooling costs and prevent nosy neighbors or passersby from looking in your windows. Retractable screens are perfect for doors that you would love to keep open to let in the breeze but that you wouldn’t want to obstruct with a full-time screen door. When you upgrade your screens in the spring, you can enjoy the benefits of your upgrade all summer long!

Call A to Z Window Screens!

Whether you need to have damaged screens replaced or you would like to upgrade your window screens to keep them safe from pet damage, lower your home cooling and heating costs, or let the breeze in through a retractable screen door, call 916-408-2496 to schedule a consultation! We can replace your damaged screens and upgrade your existing screens to help you prepare your home for spring!